Friends & whanau | Look Good Feel Better

Friends & whanau

Look Good Feel Better knows how daunting it can be for friends and family of someone navigating cancer, and the importance of feeling you are supporting them, and yourself, on the journey.

Which is why we welcome including a friend or family member in our free sessions. This may be accompanying them to a signature skincare and make-up class held throughout the country, or online.

You are also welcome to sit in on any of the online live wellbeing sessions – including expert Q&As sessions, chair yoga, and gentle Pilates.

A range of our services may also be beneficial for you – such as mindfulness classes and the on-demand videos that include how to do self-massage or how to be calmer through breathing or our Cancer conversations podcast series to be beneficial for you too.

Tips for friends and family from our expert Q&As sessions have included “sitting in the mud” with someone going through cancer – that it’s ok to just listen, to not have the answers, but sit in the reality of diagnosis and treatment.

Participants find it beneficial to have specific offers of help – be it driving them to a community class, doing their grocery shopping or housework. And another tip: If you’re cooking or baking for them, don’t deliver it in a special dish that they will worry about remembering to return to you. And remember to check in with them regularly – they may not always feel up to responding but they know you still care.

You can book on behalf of someone here  or refer them to us and we will do the rest.

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