Ways to give | Look Good Feel Better

Ways to give

Look Good Feel Better truly appreciates your support. We are reliant on the generosity of our donors to ensure we can offer free services to anyone with any cancer at any stage, as we do not receive Government funding.

There are a variety of ways you can help us, and we welcome chatting with you if you think you can help. They include:

  • Make a donation
  • Workplace giving – talk to your employer/payroll specialist to see if they can help set this up for you to give on a regular basis
  • Donate product – we gratefully receive skincare, hair or beauty products, hamper/raffle prizes etc  please email us sheryll@lgfb.co.nz
  • Leave a bequest – to help us improve the wellbeing of others, please email our general manager Clare O’Higgins legacy@lgfb.co.nz

Do good, feel good

  • Pure Nature  For every order of $20 or more, Pure Nature will donate $1 to LGFB
  • Go Generosity  You can support the generous businesses who pay it forward to local charities
  • Partridge Jewellers Womens Golf Classic  In May, Golf for Good at the Partridge Jewellers Womens Golf Classic held at Wairakei Golf Course
  • Farmers Feel Better Month  Held in July shop at your local Farmers and buy product from participating brands and both will kindly donate $1 to LGFB
  • Dry July Go Dry in July to raise funds for New Zealanders facing cancer
  • Good in the Hood – Vote for us at your local Z station in September
  • RevitaLash   In October for every RevitaLash purchased, LGFB receive a donated product
  • Joy Crackers Limited edition joy sold in November/December

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