Sarah’s Story

"LGFB helped me find the old Sarah. It helped me see her in the mirror, the Sarah I knew. It’s helped me face what I’m going through, it’s helped me reconnect with me as a person rather than me the cancer victim."

Sarah, LGFB participant

Before my diagnosis, I was a strong, independent woman who was working in advertising, a power-dressing powerhouse. I was a role model to Lola, my daughter. Lola and I explored Auckland, went to the theatre, we were all we needed.

Then a year ago to this very day, I was diagnosed. That fun, energetic single mum that Lola looked up to became an exhausted woman who wore only track pants and couldn’t get off the couch.

All of a sudden I was on a rollercoaster of treatments and appointments and scans and living an alternate life. The old me didn’t exist anymore. And looking in the mirror I didn’t even look like me anymore.

At age 46 I needed my mum to come and look after us. I had to let Lola see me vulnerable.

LGFB helped me find the old Sarah. It helped me see her in the mirror, the Sarah I knew. The workshop gave me confidence and strength, to show Lola you can overcome anything.

It didn’t matter who you were, what you were wearing on your head, what sort of cancer you had. There was that acknowledgement that we were all going through something very similar. It was so incredibly nurturing.

It empowered me to live again, not exist in a half life but actually nurture me, give me strength and help me find me not the patient,.

I am teaching my daughter that cancer is a thing that can affect you but you can work through it.

I’ve started taking more notice of what I am wearing and I feel more confident. I own my lipstick now rather than hiding behind it.

It’s helped me face what I’m going through, it’s help me reconnect with me as a person rather than me the cancer victim.

Everyone walks out 10 foot tall. You can actually see the transformation.

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