Pauline’s Story | Look Good Feel Better

Pauline’s Story

“It's just a gorgeous thing seeing those familiar faces each week. I just enjoy that connection. It also puts a wee bit of a schedule in that's not about checking on your progress. And it’s a very non-judgmental space.”

Pauline's Story

Going through cancer can feel isolating, as if the world you knew has gone and you have to navigate a new normal of treatments, and physical changes.

It was particularly challenging for Pauline, who had recently moved to the South Island from Melbourne with her husband Neil, when she was diagnosed.

Being with other people impacted by cancer was not the community she expected to feel most at home with, but attending a session with Look Good Feel Better helped her find her tribe, and help her feel not so alone.

“To meet with a group of women all with something in common, was liberating. You’re all there for a common reason,” Pauline says.

After attending one of their signature skincare and makeup sessions, Pauline looked to see what other free services the charity offered, and attended online sessions on managing hair-loss and mindfulness. And she and Neil soon became regulars at the weekly online chair yoga sessions.

“It’s just a gorgeous thing seeing those familiar faces each week. I just enjoy that connection,” she says. “It also puts a wee bit of a schedule in that’s not about checking on your progress. And it’s a very non-judgmental space.”

Look Good Feel Better uses funds raised by people who take part in Dry July to offer a free wellbeing programme of online and on-demand sessions, to ensure anyone with any cancer can access practical support on hair, skin, mind and body, at any time. This ranges from weekly yoga and gentle Pilates sessions through to expert Q&As and Cancer Conversations podcasts.

“To have that little weekly bursts of positivity into your life, I find that it’s comforting. Look Good Feel Better has definitely given me confidence and some special friendships.”

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