Expert Q&A sessions

Each month we feature an expert in this online virtual Q&A – this may include someone working in healthcare, or a professional whose life experience is applicable to someone with cancer or their loved ones.

View all expert Q&A sessions

Dry July

These free, virtual sessions are informative and provide a way to help you feel more empowered and confident while navigating cancer. You’re welcome to tune in with friends and family, to this one-hour online session held on Zoom.

Upcoming expert Q&A session.

3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy Wednesday 22 January 5:00 pm

Register here.

Have you been feeling low on energy since your cancer diagnosis? Join Robyn and Julee from Cancer FIT+ for an inspiring session where you will discover three simple, practical steps to boost your energy, improve your wellbeing, and reclaim the moments that bring joy and meaning to life. This session is designed for anyone affected by cancer who wants to feel more energised, take control of their health, and thrive. Let Robyn and Julee, specialist cancer rehabilitation physiotherapists, guide you toward small changes that make a big difference.

To view all previous expert Q&A sessions please see the playlist on the LGFB YouTube channel.


Sarah Lamb: Breathe Easy: Finding Calm Amidst Cancer (47:58)


David Downs: Clinical trials (58:54)


Victoria Thompson: Bowel Cancer (1:04;04)


Candice Kitt: Physio (49:23)


Josh Roche: Mindfulness advice (56:58)


Victoria Thompson: Bowel cancer 101 (52:57)


Ka’ula Knoche: Coping with cancer (1:07:15)

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