Other support organisations | Look Good Feel Better

Other support organisations

Look Good Feel Better is proud to work alongside a range of charities and organisations who can offer information, advice and support.

Talk to your nurse or specialist today or click on the links below for more information.

Bowel Cancer NZ

Bowel Cancer NZ

Bowel Cancer supports New Zealanders recovering from treatment and those living with bowel cancer, as well as their whanau. This is done through one-to-one support services and resources.

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Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC)

Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC)

Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition provides information, support and representation for those with breast cancer so they can make informed choices about their treatment and care.

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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

The Breast Cancer Foundation supports anyone diagnosed with breast cancer, through counselling, rehab classes, an online community and breast nurse helpline.

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Cancer Society

Cancer Society

The Cancer Society helps and supports people with cancer during diagnosis, treatment and recovery. This includes one-on-one support, transport to treatment, accommodation and counselling.

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CanTeen provides a range of support services for young people aged 13-24 whose lives are impacted by cancer – whether it’s a diagnosis of their own or sibling or parent.

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Dove Hospice

Dove Hospice

Dove Hospice supports people with life-threatening illnesses and their families, enhancing conventional treatments while aiming to promote emotional wellbeing.

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Freedom Wigs

Freedom Wigs

Dunedin-based Freedom Wigs provides quality, unprocessed human-hair wigs in a range of colours, lengths and curl preferences so you can then have it cut into a style of your choice.

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Gut Cancer Foundation

Gut Cancer Foundation

Gut Cancer is the voice of cancers of the digestive system and the charity provides information and education to improve, and save, the lives of New Zealanders.

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Hat Tricks

Hat Tricks

Hat Tricks supplies a wide online range of quality headwear suitable for New Zealand climates, including UV protection items. They can also assist with validating Ministry of Health subsidies.

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Head and Neck Cancer Foundation NZ

Head and Neck Cancer Foundation NZ

The foundation improves outcomes for patients affected by cancer in the head and neck area, and provides education and work with other support groups for these patients.

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Head High

Head High

Head High offers a range of headwear and can also give online or private consultations. The service is a Te Whatu Ora approved provider and also offers range of headwear and accessories.

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Hospice NZ

Hospice NZ

Hospice NZ is a holistic wraparound service for anyone with a life-limiting illness. It has a range of support services to offer the best possible quality of life right to the end.

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Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ offers free personalised services – ranging from having someone to talk to in the support services team to disease-specific information and resources.

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Lung Foundation

Lung Foundation

The Lung Foundation provides resources including treatment guides and plans, and advocates for better treatment funding.

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Melanoma NZ

Melanoma NZ

Melanoma NZ has skilled nurses to help answer questions in a phone or virtual consultation, and also has a range of patient support resources.

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Pinc & Steel

Pinc & Steel

Pinc & Steel helps people affected by cancer maximise their recovery and improve their quality of life through a range of partially-funded physical rehabilitation sessions.

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Prostate Cancer Foundation

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Prostate Cancer Foundation provides support, including online support exercise programmes and counselling, for men who are living with prostate cancer and their families.

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Simply Wigs

Simply Wigs

Simply Wigs offers a comprehensive online range of quality wigs and accessories – many imported – as well as a personalised service for people with hair loss.

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Sweet Louise

Sweet Louise

Sweet Louise supports people living with advanced breast cancer – providing practical, emotional and social support – so that they can live as well as possible for as long as possible.

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Talk Peach

Talk Peach

Talk Peach is the charity that supports women with gynaecological cancers, providing information and support including wigs and hair loss.

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Testicular Cancer NZ

Testicular Cancer NZ

Part of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ, the organisation supports men and their families while they are going through diagnosis and treatment.

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White Matter Brain Cancer Trust

White Matter Brain Cancer Trust

The Trust works with people diagnosed with brain cancer, to enhance their quality of life through funding special experiences and practical assistance.

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Wigs by Haircreations

Wigs by Haircreations

Wigs by Hairceations specialises in quality synthetic and human-hair wigs and have in-store fittings in Auckland as well as sell online.

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Bowel Cancer NZ

Bowel Cancer NZ

Bowel Cancer supports New Zealanders recovering from treatment and those living with bowel cancer, as well as their whanau. This is done through one-to-one support services and resources.

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Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC)

Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC)

Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition provides information, support and representation for those with breast cancer so they can make informed choices about their treatment and care.

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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

The Breast Cancer Foundation supports anyone diagnosed with breast cancer, through counselling, rehab classes, an online community and breast nurse helpline.

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Cancer Society

Cancer Society

The Cancer Society helps and supports people with cancer during diagnosis, treatment and recovery. This includes one-on-one support, transport to treatment, accommodation and counselling.

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CanTeen provides a range of support services for young people aged 13-24 whose lives are impacted by cancer – whether it’s a diagnosis of their own or sibling or parent.

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Gut Cancer Foundation

Gut Cancer Foundation

Gut Cancer is the voice of cancers of the digestive system and the charity provides information and education to improve, and save, the lives of New Zealanders.

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Head and Neck Cancer Foundation NZ

Head and Neck Cancer Foundation NZ

The foundation improves outcomes for patients affected by cancer in the head and neck area, and provides education and work with other support groups for these patients.

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Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ offers free personalised services – ranging from having someone to talk to in the support services team to disease-specific information and resources.

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Lung Foundation

Lung Foundation

The Lung Foundation provides resources including treatment guides and plans, and advocates for better treatment funding.

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Melanoma NZ

Melanoma NZ

Melanoma NZ has skilled nurses to help answer questions in a phone or virtual consultation, and also has a range of patient support resources.

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Pinc & Steel

Pinc & Steel

Pinc & Steel helps people affected by cancer maximise their recovery and improve their quality of life through a range of partially-funded physical rehabilitation sessions.

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Prostate Cancer Foundation

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Prostate Cancer Foundation provides support, including online support exercise programmes and counselling, for men who are living with prostate cancer and their families.

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Sweet Louise

Sweet Louise

Sweet Louise supports people living with advanced breast cancer – providing practical, emotional and social support – so that they can live as well as possible for as long as possible.

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Testicular Cancer NZ

Testicular Cancer NZ

Part of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ, the organisation supports men and their families while they are going through diagnosis and treatment.

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White Matter Brain Cancer Trust

White Matter Brain Cancer Trust

The Trust works with people diagnosed with brain cancer, to enhance their quality of life through funding special experiences and practical assistance.

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Dove Hospice

Dove Hospice

Dove Hospice supports people with life-threatening illnesses and their families, enhancing conventional treatments while aiming to promote emotional wellbeing.

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Freedom Wigs

Freedom Wigs

Dunedin-based Freedom Wigs provides quality, unprocessed human-hair wigs in a range of colours, lengths and curl preferences so you can then have it cut into a style of your choice.

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Hat Tricks

Hat Tricks

Hat Tricks supplies a wide online range of quality headwear suitable for New Zealand climates, including UV protection items. They can also assist with validating Ministry of Health subsidies.

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Head High

Head High

Head High offers a range of headwear and can also give online or private consultations. The service is a Te Whatu Ora approved provider and also offers range of headwear and accessories.

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Hospice NZ

Hospice NZ

Hospice NZ is a holistic wraparound service for anyone with a life-limiting illness. It has a range of support services to offer the best possible quality of life right to the end.

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Simply Wigs

Simply Wigs

Simply Wigs offers a comprehensive online range of quality wigs and accessories – many imported – as well as a personalised service for people with hair loss.

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Wigs by Haircreations

Wigs by Haircreations

Wigs by Hairceations specialises in quality synthetic and human-hair wigs and have in-store fittings in Auckland as well as sell online.

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