Refer our services | Look Good Feel Better

Refer our services

Thank you to our referrers for connecting your patients and clients with Look Good Feel Better.

Our programme is for women, men and teens diagnosed with cancer. Participants can be at any stage, with any type of cancer. They do not have to be in active treatment or have suffered hair loss. We welcome any person with cancer. We also offer group classes for bespoke groups.

Participants do not need a medical referral and are also welcome to register themselves here.

To refer someone to Look Good Feel Better, please select one of two options below

If you wish to get in touch with us, please email us at or call 0800 865 432.

Download Brochure

Information resources available

We have leaflets, posters and other materials about our programmes that we are happy to send to you, for you to display or share with your patients. Please order what you need using the form below:

    Look Good Feel Better Leaflets/BrochuresBookmarks

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